Set up monthly recurring payment:

Click HERE to view and print out the authorization form.   The form will need to be filled out, signed and mailed to us (or dropped off in person)  to authorize us to charge your card each month automatically

Please note that the discounts for prepaying multiple months are ONLY available when paying by check or money order so if you want to get the discounted rates by paying multiple months in advance, you can't use a credit card.

Automatic Payment Advantages:

  • Never forget to pay your bill.
  • Saves you time writing out a check and mailing it.
  • Saves you a stamp and an envelope.

What types of cards does Redbird accept?

  • Visa, MasterCard, Discover
  • Credit or Debit

When is the charge placed on my card?

  • Charges will be made to cards the first week of the month.

How do I cancel the automatic payments?

  • If you wish to stop any future automatic payments simply send a note (email or postal) to Redbird including your name, account number, and your desire change back to normal billing.